Anyone can suffer from mental health issues, which is why it is important to always make sure that people have a support system in place so they are able to work through any mental health struggles they are experiencing to help them face these challenges head-on.

If your partner’s mental health has taken a turn and they are experiencing more bad days than good, then now is the time to help your partner as much as possible so they can see that you are there for them and that their struggles with mental illness do not have to be fought alone.

Today, we will go into what to look out for when you feel like your partner is having a difficult time with their own mental health, as well as what you can do if you feel like their mental health condition needs to be looked into.

How Do Mental Illnesses Affect Relationships?

In all relationships, work is needed from both sides to keep it going, whilst this can be a struggle at some points, in other ways if you truly love someone you are happy to work for it as it all adds to that bond.

However, if your partner has a mental illness or they experience certain mental health conditions, then that can add another layer to the relationship that can be difficult to work through, especially if it is undiagnosed or they do not seek help from professionals such as support groups or a mental health professional.

Communicating With Your Partner

Communication in any relationship is key, you need it to discuss how you both are feeling and to build a healthy relationship in which you both can thrive together and separately.

When you bring a mental health disorder into that, it can cause a knock-on effect which will put a strain on any relationship no matter how strong.

Your partner’s mental illness can cause them to not hold down a job or to even function from day to day, this adds more strain, and if they are not able to communicate how they feel and what mental health challenges they are facing, then this can cause even more problems.

Love Can Be The Strength And The Weakness

Whilst you may believe that love will get you both through any bad times, if your partner’s mental health condition and your reaction to it brings more issues into the relationship, love is not what keeps it together, compassion, kindness, and understanding, as well as work will make you both figure it out.

Whilst you need to be their support system, you also need to have your own support system in place to help your partner and you work through what is going on.

Focusing on your own health will help you when they are going through mental illness, so don’t even push that aside, as you can’t fill someone up with an empty cup.

How to Notice if Your Partner Struggles With Mental Illness

If you feel like your partner is having problems with their mental health and you may think that they could have one or a few mental health disorders but you are not too sure, then there are some signs that you can look out for to determine if they need to get some help, or at least encourage them to see a family therapist or similar professionals.

They Have Become Withdrawn or Isolate Themselves

You might have a social partner who likes to go out, meet people, and generally has an ‘extroverted’ personality.

If they start to retreat within themselves, for example, they are opting to stay in more, saying no to plans, or staying away from their friends, then this screams that there is an issue going on with them.

A desire to be alone could indicate depression or severe anxiety if they get worried about leaving the house and seeing other people.

It may not be as noticeable at first, however, if you are aware of a pattern in their behavior and they are not confiding in you like they used to, then they could be dealing with one of these mental health disorders.

They Are Showing Addiction

Addiction can come in many forms, whether it is taking drugs, drinking, gambling, or going on their phone or laptop too much, anything that distracts them from the real world and has made them become obsessive about it can be classed as an addiction.

Someone with mental health issues will try and find ways they can remove themselves from what they are going through, and whilst this may have an effect, this will only last a small while, which makes them want to keep doing it to get that hit of serotonin.

Not only can these coping mechanisms affect their mental health, but they can also have an impact on their physical health too.

If you notice that they are acting strangely and you are seeing some worrying reactions, or you have found items that could indicate addiction, e.g. pills or empty alcohol bottles, then this may be the source of their behavior.

Their Mood is All Over The Place

People’s moods change all the time depending on what’s going on, however, they are not normally so quickly back and forth all the time, and there is a reason for why their moods have changed, which is evident.

If you notice that your partner’s moods are all over and they switch back and forth quickly with barely any prompting, then they may be struggling with mental health issues.

Going from sad to angry, crying to laughter, and so on, is not normal for people to experience all in one bout. This is something to address as it could only get worse without intervention.

How to Support Your Partner

Once you have recognized these signs and are aware that your partner does need help, now it is time for you to be their support and help them through the next stage in their life.

Get Them to See a Therapist

Before you jump ahead and diagnose them with a mental illness, you need to have them get a diagnosis first to determine what is going on and what it all means.

Gently encouraging them to see someone like a doctor or therapist will benefit them. Don’t force them into it, they need to do it willingly as it is their mental health, but talk with them in a safe and supportive place.

Bring in family and friends if you need to, but always make it known that it is their decision and it is all to do with them.

If they agree, then you need to research help in your local area and make an appointment.

Offer to come along with them if they want, just let them know that they need to tell you what they want so you can support them in whichever capacity they are comfortable with.

Research and Understand The Diagnosis

Once they have done what they need to and been given their diagnosis, it would be best to do as much research as possible to see how you can help them on your end.

There is a lot of literature out there on various mental illnesses as well as mental health conditions, so do your research, gather the information, and put into practice what you need to be their support.

If they are having a bad day and don’t know what to do, be their guide at these times and always refer to the help you have researched to find a good way at being there for them.

Listen to Them

You are dealing with something very sensitive, and even if it is hard for you to deal with, just imagine what they have to go through each day.

Whilst you are not a medical professional, you can do as much as you can to listen to them when they need a friendly and loving ear.

Some days all you can do is love them and just show up when they need a physical presence.

Be that person and acknowledge that it is not always going to be okay and that you may say the wrong thing, this is why listening is your best bet during these times.

Focus on Your Self Care

Even though you are helping your partner with their mental health, it does not mean that you should ignore your own self-care.

You are just as important, and you deserve help as well. So, if you are having a rough day or it has recently been full-on, then take a moment to sit back and support yourself at these times.

Your partner’s illness does not mean that you stop caring for yourself, you need to practice self-care and take each day as it comes personally.


After reading through this article, you hopefully, know how to help a partner with mental health issues and you are aware of what to look out for.

It is not easy dealing with mental illness, and that is why everybody who is going through it needs that support. You are doing your best with the tools you have, don’t beat yourself up if you can’t get it right all the time.

Sometimes, showing up for the other person is enough.

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