The vagus nerve is a long cranial nerve that runs from the base of your skull to your abdomen. It’s responsible for relaying information between the brain and other parts of the body, including the heart, lungs, and digestive system. Damage to this important nerve can have serious consequences.

This article will seek to understand more about vagus nerve damage symptoms. Then we can decide whether we might benefit from a home device. Either way, our doctor should be able to point us in the right direction.


Symptoms of Damage

Symptoms of vagus nerve damage include difficulty swallowing, hoarseness in speaking or singing, dizziness or fainting spells, slow heart rate (bradycardia), chest pain, and shortness of breath. If you experience any combination of these symptoms it’s important to seek medical attention right away as vagus nerve damage can be a sign of an underlying health issue such as diabetes mellitus or autoimmune disorders like lupus or Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Always know what to look out for with a medical condition. It can be difficult to self-diagnose because many conditions or diseases have the same symptoms. It can, therefore, be the combination of them that determines just what might be the problem. Be guided by a health professional on that and then look towards the different treatment options.


Managing Vagus Nerve Damage

With proper diagnosis and treatment, vagal neuropathy can often be managed effectively with lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes and exercise regimens tailored to your individual needs. Your doctor may also suggest a vagal nerve stimulator, which is an implantable device that sends electrical signals to the vagus nerve and can help improve symptoms.

Alternatively, we can receive treatment more easily by having a home device that may suit us better. We can have more flexibility than when we receive our treatment. Also, we avoid the costs of travel to the medical center or hospital and the inconvenience of the time preparing and waiting.

Management is important with every medical condition. Anybody with diabetes, for example, will know that. We can make a condition far worse by not managing it correctly. For instance, a mild diabetes sufferer could potentially, in the worst-case scenario, end up changing their diabetes treatment from just dietary control to requiring insulin tablets or injections due to mismanagement over time. So if we can keep an eye on our vagus nerve then this is to our advantage.


Seeking Medical Attention

It’s important to remember that vagus nerve damage can be serious, so it’s important to seek medical attention right away if you experience any of the above symptoms. Your doctor can help you determine the best treatment plan to manage your vagus nerve damage and get you back to feeling your best.

If you’re concerned that vagal neuropathy could be an issue for you, talk with your physician as soon as possible to discuss diagnosis and management options. With proper care and attention, vagal neuropathy doesn’t have to interfere with your life.

Try to avoid going out on a limb and ordering a device before checking it out with your doctor. This will ensure that it is the right one for your needs. You will know what you need once you get the diagnosis but then want to tailor treatment to your specific needs.



The vagus nerve is a complex network of nerves that plays an important role in your body and mind. Damage to the vagus nerve can have serious consequences, so if you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

With proper care, many people can recover from vagal damage or reduce its effects on their lives. If you think there may be something wrong with your vagus nerve, don’t hesitate to consult a health team today.

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